THU APR 02 @ 6 PM - DUE 30 virtual sketchbook entries of #40 total - Pepper will INTRODUCE Project #6 (BELOW) and Project #7 Student Directed Final - DUE Complete your critique points for 3 (minimum) of your colleagues' Project #5 works. In them, be thorough, be thoughtful, be mindful of all that we've learned. Include discussion of formal principle and design elements that are operating in the work. Upload to FBsite PROJECT #6 As tragic and troubling the COVID-19 pandemic has left the world, it also, in a very strange way has brought us together to share in our care for humanity. Sometimes the gesture of caring shows through people in teaching others about their expertise of many things, as well as simply sharing their passions with those who will take the time to listen. Project #6 embraces this notion fully! Mahatma Gandhi Born OCT 2,...