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Project #6: Professional Artists DEMO influences

THU APR 02 @ 6 PM
- DUE 30 virtual sketchbook entries of #40 total

- Pepper will INTRODUCE Project #6 (BELOW) and Project #7 Student Directed Final
- DUE Complete your critique points for 3 (minimum) of your colleagues' Project #5 works. In them, be thorough, be thoughtful, be mindful of all that we've learned. Include discussion of formal principle and design elements that are operating in the work. 
Upload to FBsite

As tragic and troubling the COVID-19 pandemic has left the world, it also, in a very strange way has brought us together to share in our care for humanity. 
Sometimes the gesture of caring shows through people in teaching others about their expertise of many things, as well as simply sharing their passions with those who will take the time to listen.  
Project #6 embraces this notion fully!

Mahatma Gandhi
Born OCT 2, 1869 India
Assassinated JAN 30, 1948, New Delhi, India
Background: I subscribe to a list serve called PROFESSIONAL ARTIST. From my membership I receive numerous thoughts, ideas, tips, introductions to new artists, as well as instruction in new ways of working.  

I wish to share some of PROFESSIONAL ARTIST offerings with you in your research and activity of Project #6.

1. Watch the various recently aired podcasts below.  
They each run about 1 hour, so separate them over a number of days. I ask and encourage you to watch six of the eight linked.  The most recent, Kathy Anderson: Painting Flowers has not been launched at this writing.

2. Select one of the painting instruction podcasts that you would like to imitate. You may also combine various tips from different artists together in your own painting approach.

3. In 2 paintings try your hand at the various instructional tips the artist is giving you.  Your substrate may be Bristol, watercolor paper, canvas panel or stretched canvas.

4. Paint!

5. Paintings are DUE:
WK #12 
TUE APR 13 @ 6 PM
- DUE Project #6 COMPLETED with all uploads required onto FBsite
- DUE Project #6 Five Talking Points from assignment completed on FBsite

6.  5 Key Talking Points DUE TUES APR 13 @ 6 PM
i. Which artist did you choose and why?
ii. What were three key point take-aways you have learned?
iii. What seemed really difficult regarding your own painting skill?
iv. How did you solve those troubles?
v. What did you learn in this project that you will value in future paintings?

Daily Doses of Painting + Drawing instruction
These are brilliant, and I hope they will assist you in your evolutionary painting methods!

Each podcast runs approximately for one hour. Professional Artist posts these as a daily vitamin for each of us, sharing knowledge, inspiration and creativity while we are each sheltering in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.  

What a gift!! Thank you Eric Rhoads, the publisher of
PleinAir Magazine and for inspiring each of us to remain creative!!

You can continue to follow daily uploads with excellent lesson resources on FACEBOOK @ Streamlive Art Video

Each day, Professional Artist provides art instruction with top contemporary artists. Broadcasts begin at 3 pm EST directly from the Streamline Art Video Facebook page. (You can subscribe!)

Other Famous Quotes by M. Ghandi:
An eye for eye only ends up making the whole world blind.

Happiness is when what you think, 
what you say, and what you do are in harmony.

Where there is love there is life.

Here are the podcast summaries and URL links. 
Please sit and watch them.
Each are excellent!

NEW VIDEOS to check out!!
John MacDonald paints landscapes
John MacDonald + landscapes video
Imagine a beach scene that is painted so well, you can actually feel the warmth of the sun. 
This is exactly the kind of landscape paintings John MacDonald will help you create. 

Kathy Anderson: Painting Flowers
FROM LIVE PODCAST #15 aired 03.31.2020 - not posted yet
> here it is! Kathy Anderson Paints Flowers
Her teaching style is thorough and very easy to follow. Watch and learn or, better yet, paint this beautiful piece right along with Kathy as she teaches you all about floral structure, how to get the brilliant colors just right, and the best methods to keep your paintings accurate while still having a painterly look.Soon, you’ll be enjoying gorgeous flowers year-round in your home!

FROM LIVE PODCAST #14 aired on 03.30.2020
For decades, Daniel Graves has been teaching the ancient techniques of the Old Masters at The Florence Academy, a school he founded that is among the top schools in the world for representational art.

FROM LIVE PODCAST #13 aired on 03.29.2020
You’ve probably heard it said many times … it’s impossible to make a beautiful painting from a photograph. All artists have a memory of a scene they wanted to paint, but for whatever reason, couldn’t stay on location to capture it. 

FROM LIVE PODCAST #12 aired on 03.28.2020
Watch today’s broadcast as Michael Mentler helps you learn the fundamentals of figure drawing by following a series of proven steps. No more spending countless hours sweating every detail and hoping you’ll get it right someday.

FROM LIVE PODCAST #11 aired on 03.27.2020
In today’s broadcast, watch and learn from Michele Byrne as she shows you how adding a palette knife to your tool kit will allow you to paint in a new way that will make people leap up and take notice!

FROM LIVE PODCAST #10 aired on 03.26.2020
In today’s broadcast, you’ll experience a portion of the powerful and proven figure drawing system created by acclaimed artist Cesar Santos

FROM LIVE PODCAST #9 aired on 03.25.2020
One look at Joseph McGurl’s work and you’ll see that he has something you want. In today’s broadcast, you’ll discover just a portion of Joe’s techniques for brilliantly showcasing light and atmosphere — a dream for every landscape painter. When you look at Joe’s art, you may think his techniques and methods are too advanced for you, but when you watch him work and teach, you’ll know immediately how you can incorporate some of his techniques into your very next project. Whether you’re a beginner, intermediate, or advanced artist, this video is for you! 

FROM LIVE PODCAST #8 aired on 03.24.2020
Tips on painting fine dog portraits. 

FROM LIVE PODCAST #7 aired on 03.23.2020

Now is the perfect time to invest in bettering your painting and drawing skills. Each day at 3pm Eastern, during the most of quarantine period, we'll be giving you "Artist of the Day" segments to give you something to do and learn.

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