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ARTrage Call to Artists to Respond!


An artist prepares his graffiti with the inscription 
"The Corona Virus Is A Wake Up Call And Our Chance To Build A New And Loving Society"
on a wall in the slaughterhouse district in Munich, Germany. Photo: AFP  (Agence France-Presse)

Dear ArtRage exhibited artists, 
We miss you! ArtRage has been closed to the public for over a month and we are deeply missing our friends, volunteers and supporters along with the social interactions at gallery openings, lectures, films and other events here at ArtRage.

We are reaching out to our community of artists to invite you to share a recent work or project with our ArtRage community. 

This tumultuous period of social distancing, isolation, quarantine, cancellations, and closures is having an immense impact on the art community and society at large. As the coronavirus pandemic sweeps the globe, non-essential businesses have shuttered and most people are forced to self-isolate at home. While we are, justifiably, primarily concerned for our lives and the lives of our friends, family, health care and all essential workers, we are already beginning to see how these changes in our daily lives are shifting the work of artists. 

YOUR art has power. Art can heal, inform, amaze and empower. AND art can bring us together even while we are apart. This is your chance to show work that will inspire us all to stay strong, safe, and united.

This call is free to enter. The deadline is currently open and will remain so while New York state continues its coronavirus response measures. We will give a minimum of two weeks notice once a final submission deadline has been determined.

What we are looking for:
New artwork (created in the past year) that fits the mission* of ArtRage Gallery. 
The art does not need to be directly related to COVID-19. 

Please submit by email to
1) High resolution images or video links
2) A brief artist statement (150 words max)  about the work being submitted  
3) A brief artist bio which can include what you have been up to for the past month (150 words max)
4) A signed release statement (attached)
5) A photo of yourself and/or your studio (optional)

*The ArtRage mission is to exhibit progressive art that inspires resistance and promotes social awareness; supports social justice, challenges preconceptions and encourages cultural change. 

What ArtRage will do with your art:
Once we have received enough submissions we will create a web based format to share your work with the ArtRage community. It will be promoted through our e-announcements and through social media. If we get enough submissions, we will mount rolling exhibits that change every few weeks.

Please feel free to reach out with any questions you might have. We can't wait to hear from you!

With love and solidarity,
Rose Viviano, ArtRage Gallery Director

505 Hawley Avenue, Syracuse, New York
PO Box 6865, Syracuse, NY 13217

(w) 315-218-5711

ArtRageous art for peace & social justice
personal pronouns: she/her

PLEASE COPY the info below. 
COMPLETE THE ART WORK RELEASE DOCUMENT with your appropriate information.

The CORA Foundation/ArtRage Gallery
Artist Permission Agreement

City, State, Zip

Optional (will be used for publicity purposes):
Artist website:
Facebook url:
Instagram handle:  @

I _______________________________  give the CORA Foundation (DBA ArtRage Gallery) permission to use the provided image files and accompanying text on their website and for promotional purposes through email and social media. I maintain the copyright of my original work.
Artwork :  (Please include the following for each file submitted)
Title –                                                                                    
Date - 
Media – 
Dimensions –

Please return one signed copy of this agreement to:
Rose Viviano, Director
ArtRage Gallery
PO Box 6865
Syracuse, New York 13217


date: date: April 20, 2020
Please print name Please print name/title
Rose Viviano, ArtRage Gallery Director

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