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04.16.2020 Note to ALL STUDENTS from Dean Dettmer

Dettmer, Sharon
Thu 4/16/2020 10:01 AM
Dear Students,

Due to the interruption and changes caused by the COVID-19 virus, Cazenovia College has expanded the undergraduate grading policy for spring 2020 semester.  This grading policy only refers to all grades received in courses taken during the Spring 2020 Semester.  Please read the entire email carefully so you understand the new grading options. All students need to consult with their advisor to help answer any questions. 

Grading Process for Spring Semester 2020
  • Faculty will assign a letter grade for all courses. 
May 13: students may access grades in Self-Service. 
  • After seeing your grades, you may choose to convert any or all grades to ‘P’ for PASSif the grade is an A, A-, B+, B, B-, C+, C, C-, D+, D. 
  • A final grade of F for any course will be converted to NP, which is NO PASS
  • The online P/PN form, available to students by May 13, will  need to be completed to convert a letter grade to P.  An F will automatically be converted to a NP.
  • May 27, 2020 at 4:30 PM is the deadline for deciding if you want to keep the letter grade or convert to P.  
  • Incomplete (I grades) will be given to students who have arranged with their faculty for this option.  Work for these courses need to be finished by December 15, 2020.

Questions Concerning Grades

Will the grade of P satisfy all degree, general education, major, or minor requirements?
Yes.  The grade of P will satisfy all requirements listed above.   
Education majors need to consult with their program director to determine certification requirements.

How will this affect my Grade Point Average (G.P.A.)?
  • If you keep the letter grade, it will be calculated into your G.P.A.
  • If you  change a letter grade to a P, you will receive credit for the course but it will not be calculated into your G.P.A.
  • Any grade of F will be changed to NP and not be calculated into your G.P.A. You will not receive credit for a class in which you receive NP. If this course is required for your degree, it will need to be retaken in a future semester and subjected to the normal grading policy as found in the catalog.

What happens to my G.P.A. if I change all my grades to a P or NP?
Only standard grades are calculated for the G.P.A.  If all grades are converted to Pass or No Pass, then the G.P.A. remains what it was at the end of fall semester or winter intersession.

What happens if I am now taking a course to replace an F received in a previous semester?
If you choose to convert the standard grade earned this semester with a P, it will replace the F and will not be calculated into the G.P.A.

What happens to the original grade if I decide to change it to a P?
The registrar’s office will keep a record of your original grade.  If a grade is needed for admission to a graduate program or medical school, for example, the student or graduate program would be able to request it from the Registrar’s Office.

If I receive an incomplete (I) or withdraw (W) from a spring 2020 course, what happens to the I or W?
Once a grade is assigned for a course in which the student received an incomplete (I), the student may decide to convert the grade to a P.  If an F is received for the course, it will be converted to a NP. 

If a student withdraws from a course by April 27, it will be recorded on the transcript as an “W”.  Please consult the College catalog for information on withdrawing from a course.

What will be required to make the Spring Semester Dean’s List?
Students will need to complete 12 credits with letter grades (12 credits out of the total credits taken for the semester cannot be converted to P) and achieve a 3.5 G.P.A. or higher.
For spring 2020 semester only, an I (Incomplete) or W (Withdrawal) will not prevent a student from making the Dean’s List as long as the above requirements are met.

Are there any special requirements if I am a student athlete?
Student athletes should consult with the College’s Athletic Department to make sure decisions are in compliance with NCAA eligibility requirements. 

May I change my decision after May 27, 2020?
No.  Once students make their choice of the standard letter grade or P, a later change is not possible.  We encourage that a conversation take place between the academic advisor and student with regard to pros and cons of the letter grade or pass option. 

Will there be any statement on transcripts to indicate why this semester has different grading options?
Transcripts will include a notation indicating that the spring 2020 semester took place during the disruptive time of the coronavirus.

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